Why a Beard Makes You Look Hotter

A scientific study conducted by the Official Journal of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society also indicated that specific types of facial hair have a major impact on how others perceive individuals with a beard.
Therefore, depending on your personal preferences, you might want to grow a yeardor stick with thick stubble.
So what type of beard is right for your lifestyle? That depends on which qualities you want to be associated with:
- Most Attractive - Female participants in studies that have analyzed male facial hair have rated heavy stubble as the most attractive look. Men equally enjoyed the appearance of heavy stubble or a full beard.
- Healthiest - Men and women indicated that men who have a full beard appear to be healthier than those without any type of facial hair.
- Best Parenting Skills - This was another category that both genders ascribed to men who maintain a full beard.
- Masculinity - The perception of a man's masculinity increases with the amount of facial hair that he has. So if you want to be seen as a highly masculine individual, you should consider cultivating a full beard.
Meme showing men with beard look 'hotter', Photo Credit: WeKnowMemes.com
Men who are clean-shaven or who have a light amount of stubble were rated as being the least attractive by women and men.
Additionally, it is interesting to note that a heterosexual woman's interest in masculine looking men becomes more pronounced during the ovulation portion of her fertility cycle. In other words, if you and your female spouse or partner have been trying to conceive or are dealing with intimacy issues, it could be beneficial to grow your facial hair out.
After all, increasing your level of attractiveness in your partner's eyes is definitely a good way to boost their sex drive.
There are also scientifically proven health benefits associated with having a beard. According to researchers from the University of Southern Queensland, beards are able to block up to 95 percent of the sun's harmful UV rays, and this will reduce your risk of contracting skin cancer.
Men who suffer from asthma could experience some relief from symptoms by growing a beard because this will help prevent dust and pollen from getting into their respiratory system. As an added bonus, a full beard will keep your skin looking healthier and more youthful.
It sounds like it is time to toss out your razors, gentlemen, but make sure that you take steps to keep your beard in good shape so that you can look your best!