What I Wish I Knew Before Growing a Beard

What I Wish I Knew Before Growing a Beard
What I Wish I Knew Before Growing a Beard Growing a beard is something many men look forward to, but it’s also a journey filled with surprises and lessons. Reflecting on my own experience and insights shared by beard enthusiast Jack Malaka from Beardbrand, here are three important things I wish I had known before starting my own beard journey. 

 1. Patience is Crucial 

 One of the first things Jack emphasizes is the need for patience. Not all parts of your beard will grow at the same rate or thickness. What you see in the early stages might change significantly over time. Some guys, like Jack himself, didn't get their full beard until their mid-20s or later. It’s important to be patient and not judge your beard too early. Over time, you'll see it fill out in its own unique way.

2. The Awkward Phase is Normal

 Jack talks about what he calls "the awkward phase," which happens in the first month or so of growth. During this time, your beard might itch, look patchy, and generally make you feel self-conscious. Many guys give up during this phase, but Jack advises sticking with it. Using beard oil and balm can help soothe the skin and make the hairs softer, which makes the awkward phase more manageable. Pushing through this stage usually leads to a healthier, more comfortable beard.

 3.Embrace Your Own Style

 Perhaps the most freeing advice Jack gives is to embrace your own beard style. Not every guy can grow a huge, thick beard that you see in pictures. Beard growth varies a lot from person to person. It’s important to experiment with different styles and find what looks and feels best for you. Whether it’s a neat mustache, a tidy goatee, or even just a clean-shaven look, the key is to feel confident and comfortable. Taking care of your beard, no matter its size or style, is essential. Regular grooming and maintenance, as Jack suggests, are key to keeping any beard looking its best. In conclusion, growing a beard is a journey that teaches you patience and self-discovery. Learning from others who have gone through the process can make it easier and more enjoyable. Whether you're just starting out or thinking about growing your beard, remember these insights. Enjoy the process, take care of your beard like you would any important part of your appearance, and embrace becoming the best bearded version of yourself.

6 Best Ways to Grow your Beard Faster

The beard is known as the symbol of masculinity, promoting the personality and raising women’s attraction to you. So men like to show off their beard style with great pride. On behalf of the beard style, it is creative and innovative, according to fashionable trends and improvement, the beard styles which are grown.
If you are in a rush to grow the facial hair faster than this is the right path for you, here we teach you the best ways to grow your beard faster. How long it takes to grow a beard? These questions are in all of our minds.  The answer is, in according to the genetics of the men which are growing the beard. In this article, we afforded you some tips and guidelines about the techniques seen, which help with fast beard growth.

Ways to grow a beard faster:
  • Sleeping well is one of the essential factors that greatly helps you in repairing the damaged skin cells and promotes healthy beard growth. Not only is growing a beard a difficult task, but a good nights rest helps wonders.
  • Certain vitamins and minerals help to maximize the speed in the growth of facial hair. While including the vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin E to your diet, it amazingly increases the speed of growth of facial hair.
  • Clear skin enhances small hair to grow, just by keeping your skin clean, you may create well-defined growth of your bread. Frequent washing of your beard with warm water and using some mild cleanser as part of your daily routine, every morning and evening.
  • Increase the protein in your daily meals, as this helps you in the growth of a beard. Rich proteins are often found in meat, fish, eggs and nuts.
  • Facial massage is another good method that promotes the blood circulation to the face so that it is easy to stimulate new hair growth.
  • Drink plenty of water so that the body will be generated optimally to raise the growth of hair.
  • Eliminate sugary sweets and fast foods from your diet, for much better growth results.
Reasons for hair loss:
Smoking: it is one of the major reasons for hair loss, nicotine found in cigarettes has the ability to absorb the nutrients that are needed for hair growth and also decreases the blood circulation. If you simply stop your smoking habit, than it will aid the best beard Reasons for hair lossgrowth.
Stress: the beard is used to growing while you feel relaxed and have a normal sleeping habit. Relaxed hair cells function better when you are less stressed. For this reason, you should manage your stress in a healthy way, through meditation and yoga for better results.
Go with vitamin supplements:
If you are not getting the sufficient nutrients from your regular diet, than you should switch over to some healthy hair growth vitamin supplements and alternatives. After consulting with a doctor and testing the testosterone level of your body, a suitable used and appropriate choice of natural supplements can be recommended.


As a man, it's more than likely you will have thought about growing a beard at some point in your life.
Most of us have certainly tried to do it too. For many who have attempted, it may just not have worked out the first time. You were young, you were silly and it truly did look awful didn't it? Getting back on the horse further down the line however is something that we truly advocate. Any man with the ability to grow even the finest facial hair should give it another go - staring up in admiration at those already stood at the top of the furry-faced mountain with their flags firmly pitched.
Beards enhance confidence, allow men to stand out and can even define careers. They unite men socially - have done for years and essentially represent a right of passage in the marathon that is life. It is something that some manage to achieve seemingly easier than others. This is, however by no means due to a natural difference in hair type or skin tone as commonly believed. As you will soon discover, it is all down to a crucial difference in approach and attitude.
Treat this guide by our Master Barber Alex Glover  as the essential lifestyle propaganda that it is. This gentlemen, in assured writing, is how you grow a beard...

1-Start from afresh.

If you’re looking to start growing a new beard, be sure to start from nothing. Set aside some time and have a proper shave so that your skin is fresh and well treated. This will minimise any early signs of irritation or underlying skin problems.
Remember that thorough preparation is crucial in regards to how your skin will respond to your blade. Before shaving you should wash your face using Cleansing Facial Wash to cleanse pores of excess oils, dirt and dead skin. After gently drying your face, applying Pre-Shave Oil will help soften the beard and nourish the skin ahead of applying your Shave Cream lather and beginning to work with your blade.

Master Barber Alex Glover with Murdock London's GQ award-winning Beard Moisturiser


Your beard may be itchy for the first two weeks or even up to the first month and a half of growth.
Primarily caused by a daily accumulation of dirt, dead skin cells and dehydration, the levels of discomfort endured can be a struggle - even a few day's worth of stubble can be enough to spur irritation. It's also important to remember that no matter how clean you keep newly grown facial hair, natural itchiness as part of your bearded initiation will occur, generally caused by new hair's capability of collecting rogue dirt.
Products such as Beard Moisturiser and Oil can be used to combat this, but the main thing to remember is that the itchiness will eventually leave. You realistically want to grow your beard for about three months before you can appreciate its true potential and the true fullness.
Be sure to also read the Murdock Barbers' expert 3-step grooming guide, guaranteed to help treat immense levels of irritation.

3-Find a shape that suits you.

Different shapes suit different beards. There are charts all over the internet that you can look up for comparisons. Ideally though, you should pop in to your local Murdock branch and get some professional advice. Once you’ve decided where you want to go with the beard, stick to it. There’s always the temptation caused by beard envy to hack away and try something that really just looks better on your mate or that particular male model...

4-Play to your strengths.

If your beard is patchy in areas you can work with this. Incorporate this into shapes with your barber or even exaggerate patchy spots by using a razor and shaving into the beard (i.e. achieving low cheek lines or a high neck line). Avoid trying overly-extravagant shapes as they will be difficult to re-create at home yourself.

 Look how happy having a beard makes these two beaming chaps!

5-Take Pride In Your Beard.

To maintain your beard, be sure to use a specialist Shampoo & Conditioner to cleanse, soften and untangle long and coarse hairs. A well-groomed beard is second to none when further combed or brushed through - leaving no knots and a healthy shine. For a complete maintenance guide, see the Murdock Barbers' expert step-by-step recommendations.
For regular care, pop in to see your barber every couple of weeks for a tidy-up and trim to help reach those tricky areas. Beard Trims can range from £20 -£45 so if you’re in the mood, book an appointment to treat yourself and your beard. From this point on just enjoy your fine facial hair and the compliments that should come with it.

How to Grow a Beard Faster with 13 Approaches

How to Grow a Beard Faster with 13 Approaches

While the growth of your beard will depend heavily on your genetics, you can take some steps to help grow your beard relatively faster. Here are some steps to take:

Massage Hair Follicles

You can start by learning how to massage those hair follicles. You need to rub your face in circular motions a few times a day to stimulate hair follicles and promote your beard growth. Be sure to move your fingers in a circular motion while maintaining gentle pressure. You can even take a cleanser to massage your skin. Remember to rinse your face well after a massage.

Manage Nutrition

Pay special attention to your diet and eat food with rich contents of B-vitamins, biotin, and protein. You need to include more vegetables and fruits in your diet to improve facial hair growth. Avoid eating fatty or fried food because they can negatively affect your metabolism and lead to oily skin. Additionally, you can even take supplements to provide your body with nutrients required for facial hair growth.

Take Special Care of Hair Roots

Trying to figure out how to grow a beard faster? You need to pay special attention to the roots of your facial hair. Buy some special facial hair oil and use it to massage the roots to promote facial hair growth.

Use Essential Oil

You can make a mixture of coconut oil and rosemary essential oil to help grow your beard faster and maintain it well. Simply mix 1 part of rosemary oil to 10 parts of coconut oil. Apply it on a cloth and place it over your face then leave it there for at least 20 minutes. After that, use cool water to rinse it well, and you don't have to use any soap for cleaning after using this mixture. Repeat once more in the day. Avoid it if it causes any skin irritation. To prevent dryness, you can apply some castor oil on your beard through night and wash it in the next morning, which can also keep your beard in shape.

Eucalyptus Works Miracles

Eucalyptus can work miracles on keeping your beard moisturized, because it can stimulate the skin to promote hair growth. Usually, you can add eucalyptus oil (15-30 drops ) to a carrier oil like olive oil or sesame oil (half cup). Then apply it on your beard area in a circular motion for several minutes. Be sure to remove dry or flaky skin first  for better results.

Quit Smoking and Drinking

You should stop drinking and smoking to improve blood circulation and grow facial hair. If you are a regular smoker, your body will find it difficult to absorb nutrients. Nicotine also constricts your blood vessels and causes several other health related issues.

Pay Attention to Hygiene

It is important to keep your beard clean. While unkempt hair may look tempting, this will hurt your beard over time. Use a gentle shampoo and avoid scrubbing hard. Do not forget to use a conditioner if you finally manage to grow a long beard.

Take Some Medicines

Along with using some natural ways to learn how to grow a beard faster, you can also take some medicines to promote facial hair growth. Rogaine is an OTC medicine that can be applied on your face directly. Leave it on your face for at least 4 hours. Be sure to buy the foam type and use it to massage your hair follicles. Do not use it if you have hypersensitive skin. Combine Rogaine with biotin or vitamin B7 found in the egg yolk for better results.
Note: Many people think you can put minoxidil (an antihypertensive vasodilator medication) on your face to grow a beard faster, but it is not safe to use and may lower your blood pressure if ingested.

Maintain Your Beard

Once you start growing your beard, proper maintenance of your beard helps to make it grow faster. For the areas that have not yet grown any hair, you can think about applying a horsehair brush on those areas. This can not only shape your facial hair but also stimulate the hair growth by giving massage to follicles. In additions, get the right tools to shape your beard, like a comb or scissors. Go online to shop for some nice tools for you beard.

Take Proper Rest

You need to take 7-9 hours of sleep every night to keep your body functioning at its best. Research shows your testosterone levels come down by 15% if you sleep for 5 hours or less. Still wandering how to grow a beard faster? Just start by having a sound sleep this night.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise will help lose weight that increases testosterone, a hormone that promotes hair growth in men. Strength-oriented interval training of high intensity and weightlifting will work wonders in increasing testosterone levels and maintaining it. Exercise also improves blood circulation and makes it easier for your body to supply nutrients to all parts of your body, including your hair follicles.

Relieve Stress

Stress increases levels of cortisol which in turn reduces testosterone. Moreover, your blood vessels will become narrow due to stress, which means that fewer nutrients will reach the hair root and hamper hair growth.

Deal With the Growth Discomfort

As for the rashes or itching in growing a beard, you can also make use of a mild, OTC steroid cream like hydrocortisone 1% to prevent itching caused by your newly grown beard. Using dandruff shampoo twice a week will help prevent rashes while growing your beard.


5 Secrets to Grow a Really Sexy Beard
 By: Guest Blogger from www.topmenshavers.com
Beards are back! A well groomed beard can be seen as a sign of power and manliness, which is why many of the most influential men grow one. Unlucky for some, they are not able to grow beards as others get to enjoy.
Nonetheless, at the end of the day, it is all about patience and the right set of tools. Here are 5 secrets on what you can do to grow a sexy beard:

Choose a Good Beard Shape for your Face
  1. The shape of your face is highly indicative of the best beard shape that will make you look sexy. Your beard can be effectively used to show off your best features and disguise features that are not so appealing.
  2. For a squared face, keep a beard full on the chin and short on the sides.
  3. For the round face, the beard should be long on the bottom and short on the sides.
  4. For rectangular faces, having a short and trimmed beard is perfect.
  5. Meanwhile, if you have an oval face, you are fortunate since you can work with almost all styles of beards.

Be Patient when Growing your Beard
Patience is a virtue, even when it comes to growing beards. Your beard will not miraculously grow in tip-top shape just overnight. Keep in mind that the rate of its growth will depend on various factors, such as genetics and your level of testosterone. You should also keep in mind that the measurement of beard is not on the basis of length, but on months you had it grown.

Trim it Like a Pro
Once you have grown your beard, make sure to find time to have it trimmed or go to the barber shop for professional help, at least in the beginning. After you get the hang of it you can do it yourself at home with the right type of beard trimmer. While you have no direct control over where and how the beard grows, you can have control on how to have it styled through trimming.

Groom with the Use of the Right Products
There are many products that will make the beard look sexier. For instance, you can use a beard conditioner or beard balm or oil to avoid dryness or roughness. More so, you can also use grooming products that will allow the beard to grow thicker, giving you the flexibility to have it trimmed and style as you desire.

Match your Beard Style with a Sexy Celebrity
Have you ever been envious with how girls go gaga over guys they see on TV because of the beards that make them hotter? Use their beards as the inspiration for growing your own. Once you have already grown beard with the right thickness, have it trimmed following the style of the celebrity with a beard that you like. For best results, seek for help from a barber to help you achieve the look

6 ways to grow your beard better and faster


It is possible to grow a beard faster than normal – well at least there are things you can do or not do in order to get the best growth from your beard. Genetics will always decide the amount of hair that you will produce on your face but we can put steps in place that maximise any growth.

1. Stress can stop hair growth.

When we stress out or are stressed we release more adrenalin and as a result we get an increase in blood pressure and air take. This causes our blood vessels to contract and these supply our hair follicles. So by getting stressed less goodness and nutrients are getting passed to our hair folicles thus reducing the growth potential.

2. Exercising like an animal – look like a beast!

We all know and are always told that exercise is good for us and guess what – it is! By getting active and doing exercise we break down stress and release a whole host of feel good hormones. Remember stress is our enemy when it comes to beards growth so get out there and start doing. We recommend HIIT  (High Intensity Interval Training) as it burns more calories, is a great hard work out and you don’t need specialist equipment to do this.

3. Avoid nasty chemicals – your beard hates them

These are everywhere and are in lots of our daily care products. So avoid them if you can, chemicals in aftershaves and other products take away our bodys natural oils. We recommend applying some nourishing beard oil to your beard so that it stays well maintained and healthy.

4. Rest up bearded brother.

Our body repairs when were resting so it makes sense to get plenty of own time when were trying to grow our beards. This will maximise your chance of recovery and likely to aid in beard growth and nutrients supplies to your hair follicles.

5. Diet to grow a beard faster

So eating clean is a great way to stay in shape and also make sure that your body is getting the best nutrients possible. So once again lets stay away from the crappy food with minimal values and replace them with a good clean – non-processed foods. As we have learnt the better sources of nutrients we can get inside of us the better the chances of us being healthy and in return the best chances that we will grow an epic beard.

6. Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is what our body uses to make and repair your nails and also your hair so it makes perfect sense that if we want straong hair and nails it is essential that we get our dosage. Naturally the biggest source of D3 is sunlight so get outside people – it’s really good for you (sunlight in moderation obviously!). You could also choose to supplement with some high quality vitamins or get out more, not to many foods contain D3 but fish oils can be the best sources.
So Avoid Stress, Exercise more, eat clean, get some good nutrients and get out more – all of these things will help you grow your beard as fast as possible. 

How to Fix Patchy Beard Growth in 7 Steps

How to Fix Patchy Beard Growth in 7 Steps

For Many men who want to grow a full, thick sexy beard. Achieving this can be easy for some, the way your facial hair growth depends mostly on your genetics, and you may be stuck with a beard that grows in unevenly. If your hormone levels are low, your hair follicles may not be acting the way you want them to in order to give you that manly beard you want. Fortunately, here are some tips and tricks that you can try to fill in the patchy areas of your beard.

Step 1.

With a 3 blade razor Shave close to your skin to remove all beard hair. Your hair may grow in differently than it previously did, meaning you could naturally grow in a thicker beard with fewer bald spots.

 Step 2

Deny the urge to trim your beard new growth as it’s growing out. Grow it as thick as it can get- even if there are still patchy spots, a longer fuller beard should eventually cover those bald spots.

Step 3.

Rub pomade or vaseline of your choice onto your beard. Don’t use too little, you want enough so that you can control the direction the hairs of your beard. Just make sure to not use too much, or you’ll have a greasy, shiny beard.

Step 4.

Use a soft bristle brush to brush your beard downwards motion. This will help give it a uniform appearance. It will also tame those unruly hairs.

Step 5.

Trim any beard hairs that are too long or whisky and unruly. After you’re finished trimming your whiskers, brush your beard again.

Step 6.

Style your beard to your desire to showcase the thick spots and eliminate the bald spots. For example, if you have a lot of bald spots on your cheeks, consider styling your beard into an “anchor,” point with your fingers or an small comb where there’s hair on your chin and your jaw line  area.

Step 7.


Dye your beard to make it appear more thick and dense. Make sure to use standard facial hair dye, not traditional hair dye for the hair on your head. Keep in mind that this trick will only work if you already have a good amount of beard growth. If you have thin hair and not a lot of coverage, dying your beard won’t make much of a difference.

 Tips to Consider

You may want to see a doctor about a possible hormonal problem before trying other alternative such as steroids. A hormonal issue could be causing your beard to grow in unevenly. While it’s tempting to use concoctions that help speed up hair growth on the top of your head, they don’t have the same effect on the beard area.